My sweet daughter gave me the best early birthday gift today. She knows me. I have a brand new journal with lots of empty lines waiting to be filled, accompanied by a book titled, 642 Things to Write About. One of the first things to catch my eye was this question, “If each decade of your life was represented by a pop song, what would they be?” This is going to take some thought. But here’s my best shot.
From birth to 10 years, Louis Armstrong would sing it best:
During the next ten years, my goal was to find romance.
The next decade was filled with the love of my life and we adopted this as one of our songs.
While my kids were growing up, anything Disney would have sufficed. But, this one says it all.
In my 40’s the best pop song to describe my life,
I am now one third of the way through decade number five. There is so much excitement ahead that I chose this to describe what I’m expecting.
So what songs would describe your life?