There’s so much to consider when choosing an outfit for a student graduation. Will it be held indoors or out? Will it be in a stadium or auditorium? Will it be sunny or rainy? If it is in a stadium and we ladies over 50 will be climbing over seats, it is important to choose proper attire to keep our robes honorable. It is also crucial to be cool in the Spring heat and how can you do that if you’re wearing 3 pounds of Spandex? So, what do we wear to our student’s graduation?
Your student has worked hard for 4++ years and you want to represent them fashionably and yet enjoy your day. While there are no “rules” on wearing school colors, Darlene Real with Appearance Matters, Inc. suggests that we “not wear the colors of rival schools. For instance, you shouldn’t wear red to an Auburn University or UAB graduation nor do you choose orange for a University of Alabama ceremony.”
There are several things to consider when planning for this special day.
- Parking can be a long distance from the ceremony. Consider your shoes and take an umbrella.
- Photographs. There will be a lot taken, so be sure you like how you look from both the side and front.
- Even in the summer, air conditioning can be cool. Take a wrap.
- Consider where you’ll be sitting and if you can remain lady-like in a dress for a long ceremony.
- Don’t forget a bag for your camera and any gifts you might have for the graduate. (It is fashionable to give flowers or a “graduate teddy bear” to your student as soon as you see them after the ceremony.)
Yes, we had a teddy bear for our 22 year old daughter and she loved it!
- Coordinate a meeting place for after the ceremony, so you know ahead of time where you’ll be taking pictures.
- Some facilities do not allow liquids for security reasons, so drink your water before you get there.
I think my daughter did it right. Her school colors were green and gold, but she only wore a touch of green. With her earrings. While she may not have thought of this, I think it is fitting. She had listened four years to professors, student teachers and advisors and now her ears were adorned with school colors.
As your graduate searches for that much anticipated job, remember this verse from “Mrs. Robinson”….
We’d like to know a little bit about you for our files
We’d like to help you learn to help yourself.
Look around you all you see are sympathetic eyes,
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home.
Koo-koo-ka-choo, Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more than you will know.
God bless you, please, Mrs. Robinson.
Heaven holds a place for those who pray,
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
Pray, pray, pray.
If you are interested in a Style Update with Darlene Real, please complete this form and we will be in touch, soon.