This week’s Fashion Friday girl is one of my dearest and most beautiful friends. Janet and I went to high school together, were HighSteppers together, and have kept in touch through Facebook and lunches together for years. She is the perfect example of how we can stay fashionable after the nest empties.
Researching this post has brought back so many happy memories. My days on this dance line were some of my happiest ever and Janet was a huge part of that. She was one of my best friends throughout high school and like so many women, I wish we had stayed in better touch after graduation.
She moved to our high school during our freshman year and my high school years were blessed as a result. We are the two on the front row center in the picture above. But, now she is a gorgeous grandmother that I am privileged to feature today.
This outfit is a combination of shopping days. The darling top came from GiGi’s in Trussville, AL, pants from Target and shoes from Belk.
Janet loves to wear pink, salmon and black, but says that green is not her most flattering color, but guess what?
She is always finding things green!
The criteria in shopping for her personal style is:
- Do I like it?
- Is it comfortable and slimming? I chose the outfit for today for this reason. I’m definitely not a dressy suit kinda of girl!
- Tops that are little loose in the middle.
When I asked how she dressed to stay cool in the summer, she answered honestly:
I usually don’t (stay cool, that is). I’m a hot-flash mamma.
This is just so Janet. I’m constantly trying to solve the problem of humidity and melting during the heat of the summer and this beautiful (inside and out) lady has just accepted the fact that August is HOT in the south. The heat has no bearing on her beauty.
As we discussed wardrobe mishaps or styles we look back on and shake our head, Janet shared this story,
Go way back to my 30th birthday…I had a new sundress, and went out to eat with friends, thinking I look pretty good. When I got home, there was a surprise party waiting with lots of people and one of my friends (male) says: “hey, Janet don’t those darts belong in the front?!?” So all night long I had another set of breasts on my back!
This funny, precious, humble, gorgeous lady is a friend of mine! What a blessing!
This is our most recent shot together. Let me add that lunches with sweet friends like these are one of the surest remedies to the empty nest syndrome. Susan and Priss, you two are next! I have such pretty friends!
Partying with: