I’ve had this light and airy idea floating around in my head for months now. I must admit that most of what’s floating around up there could be considered light and airy, but that is not the point. I’ve wanted my guest room to have a more cottage-y feel, but just couldn’t pull it together… until Amy Howard entered my life. You saw the Vanity Makeover that was my very first experience with Amy Howard. Now take a look at my new Jenny Lind-Amy Howard twin beds.
This is what they looked like as Jenny Lind beds.
Amy Howard paint has no fumes and is safe to use indoors, but, because I’m a messy painter, I painted this in my garage. I wiped it down with rubbing alcohol and then started painting. I used Amy Howard One Step Paint in Linen.
The painted Jenny Lind-Amy Howard twin bed.
I completed this process in one day. And by the way, the basket on the ottoman holds pillows made out of my daughter’s dance costumes and dresses from when I was a child.
I’ll never lose my childhood Easter gloves again. The lady who made these pillows for me attached them to my pillow.
I think I’m getting there. Now my head and the guest room is light and airy. Next we just need to settle on a name for my twin beds. Are they Jenny Lind? Or Amy Howard? Or Jenny Lind – Amy Howard? Or perhaps Amy Howard-Jenny Lind? Now my head is not so light and airy.
Partying with: Think & Make Thursday, The Pin Junkie Show Off Friday