Amy Howard ? Twin Beds

I’ve had this light and airy idea floating around in my head for months now. I must admit that most of what’s floating around up there could be considered light and airy, but that is not the point. I’ve wanted my guest room to have a more cottage-y feel, but just couldn’t pull it together… until Amy Howard entered my life. You saw the Vanity Makeover that was my very first experience with Amy Howard. Now take a look at my new Jenny Lind-Amy Howard twin beds.

31 Days of Flipping Out

This is what they looked like as Jenny Lind beds.

31 Days of Flipping Out

Amy Howard paint has no fumes and is safe to use indoors, but, because I’m a messy painter, I painted this in my garage. I wiped it down with rubbing alcohol and then started painting. I used Amy Howard One Step Paint in Linen.

31 Days of Flipping Out

The painted Jenny Lind-Amy Howard twin bed.

31 Days of Flipping Out

I completed this process in one day. And by the way, the basket on the ottoman holds pillows made out of my daughter’s dance costumes and dresses from when I was a child. 31 Days of Flipping Out Dance Recital Pillows

 I’ll never lose my childhood Easter gloves again. The lady who made these pillows for me attached them to my pillow.

Basket of Pillows

31 Days of Flipping Out

31 Days of Flipping Out

31 Days of Flipping Out

31 Days of Flipping Out

31 Days of Flipping Out

31 Days of Flipping Out

I think I’m getting there. Now my head and the guest room is light and airy. Next we just need to settle on a name for my twin beds. Are they Jenny Lind? Or Amy Howard? Or Jenny Lind – Amy Howard? Or perhaps Amy Howard-Jenny Lind? Now my head is not so light and airy.

Partying with: Think & Make ThursdayThe Pin Junkie Show Off Friday

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