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The Flowers in My Garden

flowers in my garden

When I asked my friend, Prissy, to be a “Grand Ideas” feature, she said, “Of course, I will. I’m all over this one!” Not one of the ladies that I’ve asked have said no. Every grandmother wants to talk about their grandbabies. But, what I loved about this e-terview (interview by email), was the answer to my very last question. If you were writing a story about your grandkids, what would the title be? Although the answer came in the form of the written word, I could hear my sweet friend softly answering, “The Flowers in My Garden”.

The Flowers in My Garden



This made perfect sense to me. You see, my friend Prissy, or Nana, as she is known by her “flowers”, just built a house on some property where she could have just that …. space for a garden. I can imagine her digging in the dirt, sowing seeds, watering, and harvesting the fruit of her labors. And I also know that she works just as diligently on her relationships.


Just as you pick a rose from the vine and smell its’ sweetness, I can see her kissing and breathing in the fragrance of a newborn. Or preparing a bed for planting like the fluffing of pillows for bedtime stories. I can also imagine her, hoe in hand cultivating the soil, pulling weeds and adding fertilizer to be sure the buds have the perfect environment for healthy growth.

Anderson Newborn

Butterflies, ladybugs and earthworms

Her Nana-kisses would be like dew on their foreheads and her discipline like staking a plant for growing season. Being careful that the plant has plenty of room for growth, while loosely attached to the stake. The grafting of one family into another would result in one strong, disease-resistant plant. There would never be frost in her gaze nor would parasites be tolerated. She would tend to her garden by caring for each individual plant. And she’d welcome butterflies, ladybugs and earthworms because they add beauty and enrichment to the nursery, and what child doesn’t enjoy the soft tickle of a ladybug?


So, what can we learn from Nana and her flowers? She has six growing in her garden.

1. Hunter (16)

2. Ian (14)

3. Drew (11)

4. Maura (10)

5. Thomas (2)

6. Anderson (7 months)

How often do you get to see your grandkids?

Not as often as I would like.  We get to see Anderson every weekend, but the other grands live in Millbrook and Chattanooga.  We see Thomas 3 or 4 times a year; Ian and Maura probably 8 or 9 times a year.  Hunter and Drew are Kelly’s step-children so we only see them once or twice a year.

What is your most recent memory with them?

Cooking with them while they were here this summer.

What is your method of discipline?

 I will get on them when they goof up, but Nana will NEVER spank.  🙂

How would you describe your goals for them?

The goals I have for me and my grands is for them to know they can always believe and trust in me.  I want them to love the Lord and be kind.

Share a time when you were worried about one of your grands.

I worried tremendously when Ian was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2011.  It shook our family to the core.  But we are all stronger because of it now.

What games do you like to play?

 We love to play Yahtzee together!

What does it feel like to be a grandmother?

Ian was our first.  I’ve always told him he has the most special place in my heart because he’s the one who made me Nana.  The first time I held each one of them in my arms is a feeling I cannot describe.  Your heart feels like it is going to burst wide open.  

Tell me something about each of your grands.

Hunter loves the outdoors; he’s very thoughtful and is the typical big brother.  Ian is a deep thinker, and makes me see things differently.  He doesn’t let you in as easily as my others.  He loves old music from my high school days. He has a sweet heart.  Maura is my artist!  She loves to dance and sing.  She has a huge heart! She is like a little mother to the little ones.  Drew — Drew is just Drew.  He hasn’t warmed up to me yet.  🙂  Thomas is our little wild man!  He is wide open and full of life.  His smile is the best!  Anderson is my heart throb!  He is very laid back like his daddy.  He can look at you sideways with his little smile, and you’ll just melt!


How would your grands describe you?

I hope my grandchildren would describe me as young at heart and fun.  We have a great time when we are together.

What is a quote you’ll hear them repeat from you someday?

A quote they will probably always remember from me is, “Just do it, you are building character!”

What meal will they remember as a favorite at your house?

They love my tacos!  We always have them when they are here.

What is your hope for their future?

There is nothing like being a grandparent.  There is a protectiveness you feel over them like nothing else.  I worry about their future with the state of affairs as they are in this world.  I hope they will be the ones to change things.

Flowers stretching toward the Son

Yes, her title is perfect and I’m sure that her flowers are perfectly happy growing in her garden. I know they stretch tall toward the Son, soak up every minute she is in their presence and bloom brilliantly with each softly spoken word. If indeed, you reap what you sow, then her fields have yielded bushels of giggles and a basket full of love and devotion.

Anderson Family

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