Steak and Garbage

Would you eat something called Steak and Garbage? If not, you are missing out! When Mr. Cozi and I were first married we spent a Saturday at his grandmother’s house writing down all of his favorite recipes that were prepared in her kitchen. Affectionately called, Big Mother, she is 99 years old, living in a nursing facility, but has left a legacy of great meals with all who had the pleasure of sitting at her table.

The Spirit of Loveliness

Big Mother and Granna (Mr. Cozi’s mom – my mother-in-love!)

One of his favorite dishes was a one-skillet meal called Steak and Garbage. If you need a quick meal on an upcoming school night, this has been a favorite in our family for many years.

Easy Weeknight Recipe

Browning Ground Beef

I use lean ground beef and cook until all the fat/moisture has evaporated. No need to drain.

Sliced Potatoes

Layer the sliced potatoes, salt and pepper to taste and add the 1/2 cup of water. Cover and simmer until potatoes are tender.


Once the potatoes are tender, add the angel hair slaw and cover. Simmer 5 minutes or until heated through.

Easy and Healthy Meal

This is a meal that you could likely pull together without a trip to the grocer. I assume that’s where the name came from. Inexpensive ground beef is the substitute for steak and whatever “garbage” you have left in the refrigerator. It is my guess that this recipe has been around since the Great Depression.

I’m cutting down on my carbs, but we used to love this meal with fresh corn on the cob, too. One thing I can promise you, there will be no waste at the end of this meal. No need to run the garbage disposal. This is an easy, healthy meal with quick clean up since there are no leftovers! That’s a winner in my kitchen!

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