Rainbow Row of Fairhope

While on a walk along Mobile Bay recently, I stumbled upon this beautiful site.

Rainbow Row of Baldwin County

These lovely ladies meet here once a week. They bring their water, chairs and smiles to enjoy the fresh air beneath a Fairhope shade tree. Most of them describe themselves as retired RVers who love the scenery of Mobile Bay. In the winter they venture down to the beaches of Gulf Shores and create another rainbow row.  Another great idea to file away for empty nesters!

Rainbow Row of Baldwin County

All neighbors from a community called Rainbow Plantation, they brighten the already scenic views of Fairhope. I have named their little tour group Rainbow Row of Fairhope. What a fun group of retirees! I look forward to my walks now. A cool respite in an otherwise hot, sweaty and dutiful fitness routine. They are truly a rainbow on a cloudy day.

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