If a picture is worth a thousand words, then I know you’ll agree that the gallery I’m posting today needs little to no commentary. This was my favorite part of our trip.
We boarded a train and left Skagway Harbor (at the base of mountain in this picture and headed up the Trail of 98. We were following the same trail as the miners of the Gold Rush Days.
Our train track was wider than the trail these men blazed.
Barely room for a billy goat on this trail.
Through the mountain and over trestles.
Scenes from the back of our railway car.
Those who know Mr. Cozi know that he is in the utility business. We loved these old power poles that were long since abandoned along the pass.
Our next stop was the Swinging Bridge in Canada. It hangs across a 60 foot gorge and is surrounded by some of the most breathtaking views of our trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Cozi.
He is so good looking and so sweet to hold my coffee while taking pictures!
And we had a wildlife sighting on the trip back down the mountain. This black bear crossed the road in front of our bus and our driver was kind enough to stop and let us all get a picture as he disappeared into the brush. A passenger thought it was a cub, but no… the driver says this is the average size of an adult bear in Alaska. We had not seen any wildlife all day, so this caused lots of gasps and squeals on the bus.
Once we saw the bear, it’s like a collective sigh of relief passed through the bus. Mountains, check. Snow, check. River, check. Bear, check.
I hope you enjoyed my photo gallery, but more than that, I hope you get to see it all yourself someday!