Punxsutawney Phil vs. Birmingham Bill

In Pennsylvania, Phil saw his shadow. In Alabama, after a snow storm stopped the city in its tracks, Birmingham Bill at the Birmingham Zoo, didn’t see his shadow. Spring is on the way? Let’s hope that Bill gets his forecast right.


I know if a certain day in our recent history had to be repeated over and over again, like the day in the movie Ground Hog Day, there might be some citizens in Birmingham, AL who would move. Thank goodness this Ground Hog Day is also Super Bowl Sunday and several days have past since our  “icy roads catastrophe”. We can invite friends over without fear they’ll be stranded on the way. We can sit in the comfort of our homes with our children safely playing their video games, our big screen tvs tuned to the big event in New Jersey, and our pantries are filled with plenty of milk and bread.

Happy Ground Hog Day!

photo credit: StephenZacharias via photopin cc

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