This post is dedicated to my hubby. I think I remember him. He’s the guy I see wandering from his man cave to the kitchen on Sunday’s in various NFL jerseys. This one, of course, is from days not so long ago, when Peyton was with the Colts.

Peyton Manning Fan
Peyton Manning Fan

Aren’t horseshoes a sign of good luck? Do Broncos wear horseshoes?

Let me be clear here. I know absolutely nothing about the NFL. I’m an Auburn girl. Love me some Tigers, but, there’s more… Football, that is. You see, I become a football widow when the first preseason show kicks off the NFL and remain so until the last play of the Super Bowl. For you folks who don’t know how long that is, well, preseason starts in July and here we are in February at the Super Bowl.

My hubby is very smart though. I can be a helmet-head when it comes to sports. I’m stubborn and if Auburn isn’t playing, I would rather be watching a sappy, girlie chick flick….until he tells me a story. And then I become the sappy, girlie chick.

I can’t count the times that I’ve walked into his man-cave to ask him a question that has absolutely NO-Thing to do with football, and he’ll say something like, “Hon, you see number 18 with the Colts, his brother, Eli, also plays in the NFL and his dad, Archie was born in Mississippi and played for the Saints.” My response, “Oh, so he’s a southern boy?”

He’ll hook me every time with something like this, or a boy who’s playing after his mother passed away from cancer. I can’t even begin to follow the rules of the game, or for heavens sake, the players’ positions. I had to visit Player Positions for Dummies just to remember what a tight end does in the game, and it had nothing to do with glute exercises. But, tell me a story, and while I may not sit with you and watch every play, I’ll ask at the end how Peyton or Eli played. I may even search for something on the internet about how proud Archie must be of his two sons.

Stories always get me. And, I usually want to watch the halftime show and don’t be a bit surprised if Monday’s post is all about the commercials. In the meantime, Go….Peyton! He’s a southern boy with his legacy on the line. And what mama wouldn’t be proud of this from Peyton himself,

“If I had my choice, what my legacy would be, would be that I played my butt off for every team that I ever played on, I was a really good teammate and I did everything I could to win. Whatever happens along in that time is fine with me. Those are things that I care about.” Jeff Duncan, | The Times-Picayune 

Olivia Manning had to proud of that answer. She has built a legacy herself. She is the wife and mother of football greats, joined an organization, “Women of the Storm,” after Hurricane Katrina, and helped educate people in our government about the needs in New Orleans after that storm.

A quote from her just may educate this helmet-head on the game of football. In a Family Circle article, she was asked by Patty Adams Martinez,

“Any advice for moms who don’t love football?”
Olivia Manning: The more you go to games, the more you’ll want to watch them on TV. And the more you learn, the more you’ll enjoy it. Just have fun!

I think it would be fun to go to a NFL game. I just might get interested in the league. Hey, hubby, want to leave the man-cave next year to see a game in person?

Pssst…Ladies, aren’t most NFL teams located in big cities where there’s lots of shopping malls?

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