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Love, America

To all Veterans and currently serving military and their families:

Veteran's Day

Thank you for storming beaches.

Veteran's Day

For walking through snake-infested jungles.

Veteran's Day

For surviving boot camp.

Veteran's Day

For sweating through deserts.

Veteran's Day

For jumping out of airplanes.

Veteran's Day

For stepping over landmines.

Veteran's Day

For rescuing children.

Veteran's Day

For facing the “elements of the Sea, Air, and Land, but also international boundaries, the extremes of geography and the spectrum of conflict.” (Seal and SWCC website)

Veteran's Day

For wading through disease infested rice paddies while injured.

Veteran's Day

Thank you for bearing the long, lonely months away from your families.

Thank you for our freedom.

Love, America

Partying with:

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