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House Stalking

Do you love to drive through neighborhoods and stalk houses?  I do!  At the beginning of each season I have been known to drive through neighborhoods and stalk certain homes that just have that little something extra.

Yesterday I did it on foot (while walking for exercise – yay me!!) with my camera flung over my shoulder.  I’m sure I looked quite odd.  Nothing new there.  Any who….  there is a street that I absolutely love in our neighborhood so I went there first…

A beautiful street in my neighborhood.
A beautiful street in my neighborhood.

I felt more like marching than walking down this street.  And if I weren’t afraid of what the neighbors would have thought of me, I’d have sang “I’m a yankee doodle dandy,” while saluting.

Patriotism 24/7
Patriotism 24/7

Both sides of the street have their flags flying.  And on one side of the street, a neighbor is already prepared for fall.  This house stood out among all the rest, so yes, I stalked the house. I rang my brand new friends’ doorbell, introduced myself, and asked if I could take some pictures of her house.  Of course, she was so very kind and gave me permission, so here is the first sign of fall in my neighborhood.

Ready for fall.
Ready for fall.

I love how all of her plantings soften the look of the concrete drive.

Mum's the word.
Mum’s the word.

The stone border here keeps the driveway clean.  And yellow is always a great color with brick exteriors.  I love the fountain hanging in the midst of this ivy wall, as well.

A welcoming entrance.
A welcoming entrance.

This was such a welcoming entrance, that I had no qualms about ringing the doorbell.  I love how the owner has scattered the mums throughout the yard and added one pot to the porch.  The wreath is also a great size and very pretty.

We visited for a few minutes and the inside of her house is just as pretty as the outside.  She agreed that I can come back for more “stalking”.

I’m so excited about my new friend.  Thanks, Tina!

As always, comments are welcome.  Compliments are loved.


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