Happy Birthday to You

Today’s post is very personal.  It’s an inside peak into my family.  Today is all about birthdays for one reason. Today we celebrate one of my sister’s birthday and this one is special to us because she is in the middle of a move away from our hometown.  She has never lived away from home and without giving away her age, let’s just say she is also a survivor of many things.  Some of these pictures are not the best quality, but you’ll get the picture.


A beautiful baby.
A beautiful baby.  She came into this world smiling.

It was about this age that she accidentally drank turpentine and was rushed to the emergency room.  After pumping her stomach, she was fine.  We were all scared to death, but she was laughing in the hospital.  So precious.


A happy Kindergartener
Growing up fun.
Growing up fun.

Sometimes, I wish I could hug them one more time at this age.  We are a fun family if I say so myself.

The other mother.
The other mother.

I love these girls like they were mine, instead of my sisters.  They have been an inspiration, a source of constant laughter, a rare pain in the rear, and two of the best sisters on the planet.

Kristie is 7 years younger than me and Kellie is 10 years younger, so although at times it feels we are a generation apart, we have remained very close to one another and I know we will stay that way.  We now have so much more to love about each other than we did as children.


4 Loves of my Life
4 Loves of my Life.  Dave, Emily, Kristie and Chase.

First and foremost, she is one the best mother’s I know.  Her children have no doubt that they are loved and having been a cheerleader in high school, she has never stopped.  She just cheers for a smaller team these days.

She loves and supports her parents.  Through every illness, surgery and health-related issue we go through with our family, it is Kristie we call.  This is part of the miracle of our family life. Shortly after her 30th birthday, Kristie was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  She fought a hard fight and pretty soon after she got the news that she was cancer free; she went back to school and became a RN.  What a day of celebration that was!

Kristie's Graduation Party
Kristie’s Graduation Party
Kristie was the first college graduate in our family.
Kristie was the first college graduate in our family.

She is now an Emergency Room nurse and does a great job of handling crises.

She loves her sisters.
She loves her sisters.

Kristie is usually the life of the party.  She makes us laugh most of the time.  She will make us cry when that moving van pulls away from a house where we have had some of the most fun times in our family.

Kristie and Aaron
Kristie and Aaron
Three more reasons to love each.
Three more reasons to love each other.

More Graduation parties.More Graduation parties.

Kristie and Emily
Kristie and Emily
Dustin's graduation.
Dustin’s graduation.

She is a great aunt.  All her nieces and nephews love her.


50th Anniversary Party
Our Parents 50th Anniversary Party

She is always a great hostess whether she is entertaining 2 or 50.


Always making us laugh.
Always making us laugh. Kristie, Emily and Amy.


Kristie and her baby girl.
Kristie and her baby girl, Maggie.

She loves animals.


Always smiling.
Always smiling.

Happy Birthday, Kristie.  You are the picture of a successful 21st century woman who can do it all.

It may have been Kellie who wanted a “smile like Barbara Mandrell,” but we’ll take yours over Barbara’s any day.  We love you.


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