Great Gifts for Flower Girls
The stateliness of this Noritake Porcelain Tea Set is a gift worthy of a princess. Tea sets make great gifts for flower girls. Pack up these 6 place settings with a selection of teas, sugar cubes and a “save-the-date” for high tea with the bride. Your flower girl will glory in the grandeur of a tea party with real china, pretty napkins, cupcakes and one-on-one time with you. Begin a sweet tradition for future generations of flower girls. Before this young lady drops petals down the aisle for you, set aside at least 30 minutes to have tea with her. Gift her the tea set you serve her with so that someday she passes this honor down to her own flower girl.
Finding Tea Sets and Greater Gifts
This dainty tea set is a generous gift, but what she will remember more than china, is that she had tea with the bride. Find vintage tea sets in antique malls, thrift stores and online boutiques. Even if you can only find a few pieces, 4 place settings are better than odds and ends. The tea set and time with the bride are great gifts for flower girls.
Should you have more than one flower girl, may we suggest giving each girl a cup and saucer, tea bags, sugar cubes and a set of pretty napkins.