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Fashion Friday: Supermarket Styles

There’s no better place to find the real fashion of a city than in the parking lot of the neighborhood supermarket. Never fear, this is not People of Walmart, but a pretty good indication of how we dress on a daily basis in the south. We are pretty snazzy, if I say so myself.

Fashion Friday: GQ
Fashion Friday: GQ
Fashion Friday: Red Pea Coat
Fashion Friday: Red Pea Coat

I love the red with the Burberry scarf.

Fashion Friday: Heels with Jeans
Fashion Friday: Heels with Jeans

Could this be Abbey Road?

Fashion Friday: Boots made for Walking
Fashion Friday: Boots made for Walking
Fashion Friday: Smiling Faces, sometimes.
Fashion Friday: Smiling Faces, sometimes.
Fashion Friday: Vest and Scarf
Fashion Friday: Vest and Scarf


Fashion Friday: Hello, Sunshine
Fashion Friday: Hello, Sunshine

Bright and sunny jacket with sandals. I’m warm just looking at the picture. She is my hope. Spring is around the corner.

Fashion Friday: Lavender and Crimson
Fashion Friday: Lavender and Crimson

I just might have to pair these colors together in the future. They look darling on this young mom.

Fashion Friday: Cheers!
Fashion Friday: Cheers!

This lady seems so cheerful on this dreary day in her red coat and purple scarf. I thought about following her home, but didn’t want to seem like a stalker.

Fashion Friday: Shorts in February
Fashion Friday: Shorts in February

Yes, we are can sport our shorts in February today, and wrap up in our scarves and mittens tomorrow. It’s a southern thang. They have courses at the local junior college on how to dress in the south. It takes an education.

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