Fashion Friday – Aztec Cardigans

Baby, it’s cold outside and time to wrap up in our coziest sweaters and jackets.  I’ve found a new style cardigan that I’m in L-O-V-E with for this season. Everybody needs an Aztec Cardigan!  They are brand new and sure to become legendary.

My sister, daughter and I went shopping recently in search of the perfect one for each of us, and for this Friday’s post, I will feature the one my sister found at Lotus Boutique at the Galleria Mall in Birmingham, AL.

Kellie in her Aztec Cardigan
Kellie in her Aztec Cardigan

She is so very cute with her skinny jeans and boots.  We both thought about what Twiggy (my fashion consultant) would say, and agreed that her boots with a heel would look EVEN better. But, we are not foot-prepared yet and cannot shop in heels. I’m sure the more we wear them, the better conditioned we’ll get and soon we’ll be trimming shrubbery in our heels. But for now…


The length of this cardigan is what caught our eye and she immediately fell in love with it.  I only hope she gets to wear it.  She has teenage daughter.

If you’ve found your perfect cardigan for this season, or are searching for one for someone for Christmas, share with us where you find it.  We are still in search of one more.


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