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England Bound to See the Crown

Union Jack
Union Jack

Well, it’s only 6 more days until I leave for my very first trip out of the US of A. I’m excited, a tiny bit nervous, and a little panicked. There is so much to do when traveling out of the country.

  1. Apply for passport at least 2 months in advance
  2. Notify credit cards of international travel.
  3. Research cell phone expenses while out of the country.
  4. Research exchange rates for currency, so you are aware of added expenses.
  5. Shop for and plan clothing for weather at your destination.
  6. Be sure you have comfortable shoes for walking on cobblestones.
  7. Measure your luggage to be sure it’s the right size and weight for airline as well as coach travel.
  8. Purchase or borrow electrical converters so you don’t burn up your appliances or set the hotel on fire.
  9. Pack your medication in it’s original RX bottle, in order to get it through customs.
  10. Prepare your camera for the trip, making sure batteries are charged and SD cards are empty.

Our luggage requirements are small, so I can’t pack much. This will be a true test in traveling simply, staying in cozy hotel rooms, appreciating the beauty all around me and creating “home” where I am. My website in living color.

I have no idea whether I’ll see the “crown” or not, but regardless, I will see London, a castle, the English countryside, Stonehenge, and parts of Scotland, with 4 people that I love.

Speaking of a people and things that I love, I love writing this blog. I love thinking about you reading my blog when you have the time. I want to write things that you enjoy. Please share with me over the next few days, what you would like to see here. Would you enjoy more fashion posts, more recipes, more family stories, more decorating tips?

So while I’m gone, leave me a few comments about what you enjoy seeing on social media. I would truly like to have a blog that is created by its readers.

It’s going to be a great trip. Please stay tuned for lots of (better-after-photography-lessons) pictures when I return. And I’ll stay tuned for your comments. Love and appreciation to all.




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