Life Giving Women are those that “have a continuing inner growth in their relationship with God.”
Pictures today are from the home of a woman with a generous spirit.
As I shared with you yesterday in Out of Balance, I will be sharing my musings from the Questions and Suggestions section of the book, Women of a Generous Spirit. It was written by Lois Mowday Rabey, who encourages her readers to be brutally honest as they answer the following questions.
For a little background, the synopsis of Chapter One can be summed up in this paragraph:
“Women of a generous spirit come to every circumstance and relationship full. The edges around their personalities are smooth. They are not easily jarred or offended by intrusions and interruptions. They experience a strange inner calm that permeates even deep pain. They notice others. They touch warmly and ask sincerely. And when they are living in seasons of receiving, they receive graciously. They are honest when they are unable to express their generosity. If something in their life is out of balance, they don’t blame or complain or make excuses. The result? God fills them with life-giving love that impacts others and enriches their own lives.”
The answers are meant to be between me and God, so why am I sharing it here? As mentioned in yesterday’s post, “if just one” empty nester is encouraged by my words, then opening my heart will have been worth it. So here are the five questions for today:
- Write a paragraph describing the woman you would like to become.
I would like to become a woman of a generous spirit. I know what my spiritual gifts are and I want to use them to touch warmly and ask sincerely. I want to receive graciously. When my life is out of balance – like now – I want to face it head on and be filled with God’s life-giving love. I want to impact others and enrich my own life as well as that of those close to me.
2. Now write a paragraph that describes how you see yourself today.
I am currently more in the season of receiving, but don’t feel that I am receiving graciously. Instead I feel that I am taking whatever is offered selfishly. My appetites are insatiable. I want more of everything. More opportunities for adventure, a closer relationship with everyone around me, new friends and to be in touch with old ones, to accomplish one really great thing to be remembered by and to see the world.
3. List some women who have touched you in life-giving ways and tell how.
- Doris Slappey, my first Bible Study teacher as an adult. She introduced me to THE Life-Giver.
- My daughter, who is a miracle in so many ways.
- My mother-in-law who taught me so much about showing love to my children, and who remains one of my best friends through every trial and tribulation.
- My mother who continues to enjoy life, loves her family and spreads love all over the community.
- My sisters, Kristie and Kellie, who listen, forgive quickly and love deeply.
- My friend Wilma, who teaches me daily to think outside the box.
- My friend Beth, who I’ve never seen in a bad mood.
- Dianne, a friend that I talk to too seldom, but will always love for her cheerful spirit. She is my favorite encourager.
- My new blogger friends who have taught me to see things through a different lens over and over again.
- My Aunt Erma who never says a bad thing about anybody.
- So many Bible Study students that I can’t list them all.
4. Describe ways that you seek others out. Describe ways you do not seek others out.
I seek others out who have similar interests to me. I seek others who are funny, smart and who have the same Christian standards as I do.
I do not seek out those who are my polar opposites, but I do not reject them either.
5. Describe ways that you are inviting to others. Describe ways that you are not inviting.
I am inviting by being relaxed and non-confrontational. I can talk to anybody and I think I am open to any conversation. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family. I am a hugger. I love to laugh. I love sharing life stories over a fabulous meal and encouraging those who may feel down and out.
I am not inviting in that I sometimes say things that sound different in my head than they do when they exit my mouth. I may not be confrontational, but, I do not avoid handling things that annoy or anger me. Sometimes I try too hard to be who I think others might want me to be.
My sister calls me a chameleon. I adapt to the personalities around me. I’m really not sure whether that is inviting or not, but it is part of who I am. I do that to make people feel welcome and relaxed around me.
How would you answer these questions?
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