The Bread of Life
Happy holy days everyone! This Holy Celebration begins and ends with the breaking of bread. We gather together to eat, drink and have a Merry Christmas.
Jesus calls Himself, “The Bread of Life” in John 6:35 –
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.

Hungry in the Wilderness
In the Old Testament we learn how the Israelites wandered in the wilderness and became hungry. A wise man named Moses prayed and Manna rained from Heaven. We were hungry for fellowship with our God. Wise men prayed. Wise men searched and found the “Manna from Heaven” lying in a feeding trough. A shivering child born to Mary in what else, but a manger!

Also in the Old Testament, the shewbread was placed in the tabernacle according to the Law. 12 loaves for a week. The bread was to be before our LORD 24/7 to represent HIS presence being with us at all times. The bread was replaced on the Sabbath. Only the priests were allowed to eat the bread and it was to be eaten in a holy place.
Why twelve loaves? They represented the 12 tribes of Israel and I would submit the 12 disciples after the coming of Christ. Israel was the pathway for the Son of Man to be born into the world. The 12 disciples were the pathway for the Son of Man to be shared with the world.
I am the bread of life
You who come to Me shall not hunger
And those who believe in Me shall not thirst
Manna sustained the Israelites for awhile. They were searching for a land flowing with milk and honey. (Ex. 33:3) Green pastures. After 40 years, they entered and the land provided. It produced milk and honey. There were times of peace and times of war. There were Sabbath days and Sabbath years. God provided. They wanted a king. God provided. David, from the tribe of Judah was the bloodline.

Why a Manger?
Our KING of all KINGS was born in a manger. The shewbread that anyone can partake of. Was this bread holy? The MOST. Was it for priests only? No, it was offered to the whole world. It is still offered to all who believe. We can come to HIM and fellowship with HIM just as if we are sharing a meal with a brother. We respect and adore our KING, and we have access to HIM 24/7. Jesus said,
The bread that I will give
Is My flesh for the life of the world
And if you eat of this bread
You shall live forever

Our KING, did something no other King has ever done. HE laid down HIS life. No one took it. No one murdered HIM. HE gave it as a gift. The wise men brought gifts. Myrrh was to embalm HIS body, gold as a symbol of kingship and the frankincense symbolized priesthood. Our sacrifice, the LAMB of GOD, raised HIMSELF, THE HIGH PRIEST, on the HOLIEST of SABBATH DAYS to sit forever at the right hand of the FATHER, making another pathway.
I am the resurrection
I am the life
If you believe in Me
Even though you die
You shall live forever

Spread the good news! Sing unto the LORD! Deck the halls and prepare the feast! The Bread of the Presence was born in a manger! HE is among us.

Let not the vision of HIS birth be blurred.

O Come Let Us Adore Him…

Please be sure to visit all of these fabulous Christmas Table-settings this week.

Twelve on Main | Everyday Living | Home is Where the Boat Is | Rustic – Refined
Life and Linda | Rattlebridge Farm | Rosemary & Thyme | Living With Thanksgiving | Cozinest
Belle Bleu Interiors | My Kentucky Living | A Toile Tale |Bluesky Kitchen | Starfish Cottage
Citrine Living | B. Lovely Events | Ramblings of a Southern Girl | Panoply
Celebrate & Decorate | Farmhouse 40 | The Painted Apron | Sweet Sensations