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Birthday Bucket Lists

I recently stumbled upon a Birthday Bucket List and thought it was a great idea. The list I found was 50 Things to Do Before Your Next Birthday. Fifty seems like too high a number for this gal, so I decided I’d come up with one per month. That seems achievable and fun! Here is my list for the next 10 months. What would yours look like?

  1. Get a facial.
  2. Take a class to learn something new or improve my skills.  (photography, blogging, cooking or painting?) Perhaps I’ll take more than one.
  3. Relax with a massage.
  4. I know this may be considered cheating, but… Go somewhere I’ve never been before like…. Italy! Less than 2 weeks away!!!Photo Credit: Flickr, Ross Elliott
  5.  Take my health and fitness more seriously.
  6.  Make a new friend.
  7. Host a dinner party for new and existing friends.
  8. Spend a day doing something someone else wants to do.
  9. Participate in an activity in Birmingham and Fairhope that I’ve never done before.
  10. Ride in a hot air balloon.


Photo Credit: Flickr/Eric BC Lim

I have 10 months to achieve this list. A day at the spa for facials and a massage would be fun to share with a new or old, friend, as would a ride in a hot air balloon. I’ll be calling you, soon.


Photo Credits: Flickr, Ross Elliott; Flickr/Eric BC Lim


#cozinest #emptynest #bucketlist #hotairballoon

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