Antique Mall Near Me

I guess I should have titled this, Antique Mall Near Me and Dear to My Heart”. Do you love to go antiquing? Or are you a minimalist that doesn’t shop much at all? Dear friend, I have always loved antique malls, but this one is most dear to my heart and not just because I rent a booth there. Here are 6 reasons you should visit our local antique mall, Southern Antiques & Accents. And if you are thinking of starting an antique business this is the place to be! (You may have to get on a waiting list, but it’s worth the wait!

Looking for an antique mall near you? Here’s the one I recommend in Fairhope, AL.

Antique Mall - Southern Antiques & Accents


1) Our Antique Mall Ladies-Night

First of all, I love walking into Southern Antiques & Accents on Ladies Night. It’s a jolly site, maybe something similar to Christmas morning with a 3 year old. Musicians are busy setting up instruments, preparing to entertain our loyal and new customers. Our staff sets up hors d’oeuvres, beverage tables, and we all do what I call fluffing our booths. It’s like company is coming for Christmas dinner and we want all the pillows plumped, decor dusted and front door sparkling clean. The food fills the mall with the smell of homemade goodies and like a trimmed tree that fills the hall, there are presents all over the floor.

Antique Microphone


2) Friendliness

People show up for ladies night with their friends and relatives. They look for a unique piece to mark off their wish list or to give to Aunt Jennifer on her birthday. Others shop to get a head start on Christmas shopping. And one of my personal favorites, they come for a little retail therapy. It’s a time to themselves. Time to recharge and refill their idea books for projects or decor or gift-giving. Some show up just to feel energized and part of the community.  Regardless of why they come, they are all welcome. It’s a monthly celebration like Christmas is a yearly reminder of love, sacrifice and gift-giving. Our friendliness shows up best on ladies night, when we have a mini-reunion with all our loved ones.

Uncle Sam 4th of July


3) Customers

So, I know this is gonna sound all commercial and maybe a bit mushy, but hear me out. We love our customers. We do! From the minute you open the sparkling clean door to the minute you exit, you are somebody special. And it’s not only… (I admit we love it when you buy something) …  but, we love hearing that little bell jingle.

Bracelets from Antique Mall

Looking up from whatever we are doing to see you, get to know you and learn your name is what keeps us going. It’s why we keep going to estate sales and auctions. We love helping you find just the right treasure. We enjoy the interaction of chatting about the newest flowers in Fairhope or how little Johnny made the All-Star team. Shopping local is something all merchants love. Not only because it affects the bottom line, but because it preserves relationships. It’s a face-to-face shopping experience. We work to preserve what I like to call, “the antiques of brick and mortar.”

4) Staff of the Antique Mall Near Me

Another thing I love about our staff is that they all operate a booth within the mall. They have something at stake, just like all the other dealers. They interact with other dealers and help however they can. Mostly because they are just good people, but also because they desire success for all of us. It’s a win-win when we all support each other and wish each other success. There has been no petty competitiveness that I’ve seen. We happily refer folks to other booths with happy customers as the main goal.

Welcome Friends

5) Dealers

We like each other in our not-so-little antique mall. We love seeing each other on Ladies Night and catching up on each other’s lives, seeing what is in each other’s booths, sharing what’s selling and what’s not. Of course, it’s an added bonus that our staff and our customers treat us like friends. Furthermore, we receive emails from Memorie sharing what is needed and tips on success.

tomato bucket

Recently I was working in my booth and stopped to fan myself on a hot summer day. A staff member happen to walk by and asked, “Do you want me to turn the air down a bit?”  What? You’ll spend money on my comfort?

Then I went shopping at a local mall and walked into a store that was sweltering! As I checked out, I felt so sorry for the cashier, who had beads of perspiration dotting her forehead. I asked, “I guess the air is not working, huh? I know you have to be so hot.” Her reply, “Yea, no matter how much we complain, it’s a corporate policy to keep the thermostat on a certain number.” It made me question whether I would continue shopping at a place where they care so little for their employees.

6) My Story

Last but not least, I began my antique business because I love decor. I love the thought that I am helping someone make their house a home. It does my heart good to know that a customer immediately thought of a loved one when they walked into my booth. I enjoy imagining an aunt or uncle, daughter or son opening a gift that their relative found in my booth. It’s a pleasure to provide treasures that make a total stranger smile and say thank you.  It’s a bonus that I work with others who have the same passion that I do.

Herbs Wall Art

Above all, I encourage you to shop at Southern Antiques & Accents on Greeno Road in Fairhope, AL. And for your added pleasure…. we are a chain! There’s another location in downtown Fairhope on Section Street. (My booth is on Greeno Rd.) Hehehehe! Seriously, shop both stores and do it often! We love seeing you.

Southern Antiques & Accents

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