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4 Ways to Grow Your Compassion While Shopping Estate Sales

Shopping Estate Sales

house for sale

CoziNest is an antique business looking for the very best deals on good quality furnishings. One of the best places to find great pieces is at an estate sale.


Growing Your Compassion While Shopping

This past weekend 007 and I organized our trip to 4 different estate sales all within 30 miles of each other. We were searching for a couple of pieces of furniture within a limited budget. We found our pieces, but more importantly, at each sale I learned something about myself.

Estate Sale Closet

  1. I felt it important to show sensitivity to the family, even though they may not be in attendance. As I walked into a ladies’ closet and ran my hand over her clothing, I found myself imagining the occasions she wore certain items. Perhaps she got dressed up for a grandchild’s graduation, a family picnic or a baby’s christening.
  2. Although these are tangible, material things, I wanted to show tenderness toward the items. I wondered if the bracelets I was stretching over my wrist were a birthday gift, or a souvenir from a fun, family vacation. Did she get them for Christmas, or some on her wedding day? The trophies that lined shelves were awards or medals achieved for a job well-done or service to our collection
  3. In one particular house, there were some very pretty, dainty pieces of furniture. It was sad to think that no one in her family wanted these heirlooms. Then I felt sorry for the family who had to make the decisions to part with them. We talked all the way home, morbidly I admit, about how to spare our children from the hassle. Vintage Toys
  4. I wanted to assume the best about their life and strive to live that way in my own. “Life is hard and then you die,” is a sarcastic quote I’ve heard through the years. Estate sales remind me of this. Life is short. Listen to music, play with the kids, read lots of books, dress up for special occasions and clean out your closets. Unless… your children kept messy rooms. Hehehe.


The two pieces of furniture are going to my booth today. But, I have a much greater appreciation for each piece. I didn’t mind polishing the wood or vacuuming the upholstery. The hardest part was pricing them.


Link Parties

Partying with these lovely blogger buddies:

Make it Pretty Monday

Mommy Moments

Happiness is Homemade

The Scoop


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